The Doctor and me

In honour of the latest addition of Pearl Mackie as the new companion yesterday, I decided to talk about basic wibbly-wobbly-timey-wimey stuff.
I have been in love with Doctor Who since the day Peter Capaldi was announced to be the 12th Doctor. It seems to be a very strange day, since it’s so heart-breaking for me that Matt Smith only lasted three seasons (I know that’s quite long, but still). I remember a reporter from BBC announcing him and I thought to myself that all these fans were so excited and obsessed with Doctor Who that I just had to try it. While writing this I think the top paragraph could also have been written by a drug addict, but to quote Daniel Radcliffe “If you’re going to be obsessed with something, being obsessed with books or film is pretty good. Some people are obsessed with heroin”.
My favourite Doctor of all time has to be the 11th (Matt Smith). I can see you raising your eyebrow, but it’s not because he is attractive or considered to be the “hot Doctor”. Matt Smith’s Doctor is quirky – which I’m not – but he is just adorable and like most of my favourite characters doesn’t really care what other people think about him or his appearance. He also has a really close relationship with River Song and their whole love-hate relationship is just too good to exist – yes, they are my OTP (=one true pairing). Of course the 10th Doctor (David Tennant) will always be in my heart as the funny and dorky Doctor who was always very considered and so will the 9th Doctor, the master of sass. But I’ll always stand with the Doctor with the fez and the bowtie.
Let’s talk about companions. All the companions have their special features and I can’t really pick a favourite, but the ones that impressed me the most are Amy Pond, Donna Noble, Rory Williams and my precious River Song, even though she isn’t really a companion. If every person in the entire world could be a bit more like Amy or Rory, the world would be such a great place. They are loyal and honest until the end and they both sacrifice so much for friendship, love and humanity. Donna on the other side is just the best. She is the first companion not to fall in love with the Doctor, question him and to not see him as a saint. She even refused to come with him the first time. She is like this one friend we all have that just questions everything and tells you when you have been acting strange. Lastly we have River Song. I won’t spoil anything by giving you example of her timeline and story, but just all that sass and girl power that she resembles is worth a billion dollars. All companions have changed the Doctor in a way, but River Song made him a whole different person and as he changed her completely too.

I’m a whovian. What about you?

3 thoughts on “The Doctor and me

  1. Wow … your addiction does not see any lemons 😍 … I conclude your finally statement counts as 11 lemondrops and no lemons. True?


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